I think everyone is being very diplomatic...which is fine.

Let me say this - when I drive my M60's with my RX-V2700 in pure direct mode (bypassing as much circuitry as possible and the sub) -vs- incorporating my EP500 in 'straight' stereo mode (2.1), I like the M60's alone better.

I do miss the bass in pure direct, but somehow the 'thick' sound (presumably brought on by the lows and richer middles) seems to muddle the sound field so it's a catch-22. It's richer, stronger, warmer, whatever (all 'good' terms) - but the soundstage is more centered and less like a vivid, broad 'wall' of sound. These are all terms I'm making up, but perhaps you'll understand what I'm getting at.

I've been trying to tweak to find the middle ground in that setup, but in the case of the M80's (or whatever I go with), I'd expect it to be that ideal compromise.

I can't say I would have appreciated the the 'wall' of sound if I'd never known better - the warmth is intoxicating and what most shelf systems probably go for. But now that the curtain is pulled back on the wizard so to speak, I may be ruined.


My M60's make me listen
My M80's make my ears hear
Either way - I'm not deaf anymore