Hello synthguy

I'm sure you are about to receive another warm axiom forum welcome to your post about cabling.

I agree. I found that Tara Labs component interconnects improved the sound of my DVD Audio and SACD music.

I use some strange Mapleshade Clearview Double Golden Helix Plus speaker cables for my 2 channel tube stereo system. Love the sound of that system.

As to receivers, if you are willing to go against the flow, I'd try a Sony TA E9000ES processor (with Version 2.10 software upgrade) if you do not need SACD or DVD Audio. I use one with an Anthem PVA5 5 channel amp and this office system gives up little or nothing to my big 7.1 system with an Integra DTC 9.4 processor, 3 Yamaha M80 2-channel amps and an Integra M504 (Huge VU meters) for the center channel.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.