John, in other places you've apparently been reading a lot of old audiophiles' tales that have no factual support. As Randy has pointed out, amplifiers, including those in receivers, don't come in various sonic inaccuracies("warm", "bright", etc.); if competently designed they amplify within their power limits without adding an audible sonic coloration. There's no significant "break-in" period involved with speakers; in some cases the ears(actually the mind)are breaking-in and becoming accustomed to the new sound of the speakers.

The amount of current necessary for a given amount of power into a specific load impedance is determined by Dr. Ohm's law, not by manufacturer hype. If the required amount of power can be supplied into the load being driven, as is typical of modern receivers, that's all that can be done. There's no need to take typical "high current" claims seriously.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.