WEBPROSi am back! sorry im to busy to write her mucch
i want to say all speaker are now ok.BEFOore i say equipmant no matter i tried many combo from goodwill store to make a systen cheap and best and i seebecause of poor madecd sound all sound same.
bettr speaker sound better but bad cds kill sound! vynil for tru audiopile sound.the goodwill shops have vynil!see?true world sound!how come so much web pro here deslike vynl?? this is for top audiopiles and some here ard rude to the nubs who try to give all world veiw.like last time i stop here. be good audiopiles, no call names to nubs also remeder, most speaker good enogh,, if you play vynil top sound see?better!

#1 Audiopile. music make everything. copy kill music. REFLECT!