What is it with the temperature change and church this past Sunday? This is an excerpt from an email my uncle from Tulsa, OK sent to me last night..

"Beautiful almost clear afternoon 2:30 PM temp 75 degrees.I had gone up to the church to change the wording on the outside sign. The wind had been very strong out of the South. As I started to change the sign, the wind became calm. Just as I finished the second side of the sign, the Wind changed all of a sudden out of the North at about 25 to 30 MPH. The front hit here at 2:32 PM. By the 5 PM news time, the temp had dropped to 37. By 7 PM it has dropped to about 25 MPH with a wind chill in the teens. Thats a 50 degree drop in temp in about 2 1/2 hours. There is a little moisture in the air, sleet or snow. They are NOT predicting any accumulation. We certainly hope not."

Meanwhile, in south Florida the weather for today and the remainder of the week calls for .... uh, never mind, I really don't care to hear Mark bitching at me again today.


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