Originally Posted By: Riker

Rick, my buddy has the same TV you have except it's a 46inch and once he showed me some BD stuff on it I was pretty much sold on Samsung, the PQ is amazing, and the 750 I'm getting is even better, not by a large margin, but it looks really amazing.

The 750 is a LCD and the 460 that Rick has along with the PN58A550 that I'm eyeing are plasmas. One thing that I don't understand is that the 750 LCD and the PN58A550 plasma are virtually the same price (plasma a bit more expensive). I haven't looked at either sets, but I would assume the plasma would have a better picture, not knocking the LCD at all but I just thought that was the general consensus. Am I wrong? Can a LCD with a price tag comparable to a plasma of the same size etc. look better??

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.