I wouldn't go worrying about treatments unless you hear something you don't like. In my concrete box (room that sux) I can hear boomyness in the bass at certain frequencies and on some music like pipe organ I can feel the energy buildup at high frequencies.

Take your time and get used to the sound of your speakers and room. If you hear things you don't like look to treatments as a possible solution.

On reflection point treatments, I believe the current thinking is to treat with caution. In pro recording rooms it is often a combination of absorbtion and difraction so as not to deaden the room too much. Diffraction is hard in a small room, but I have seen pannels made of wooden slats in front of 1-2" of rigid fiberboard so that you only get partial absorbtion.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!