I started with a stop gap system to drive my M3s - a Technics SADX 940 with a JVC carousel which was bought used 7 years ago. The system was laughably terrific. I then got a set of Maple Audio Ambience interconnects and the system sounded even better. Of course, I was unable to leave good enough alone.

I then got the Cambridge Audio D500SE which I thought would be a substantial ugrade. It did not work out. The dynamics were not nearly as good, the bass was blowsy and too loose. I am returning the Cambridge. I then got a Yamaha DSP A1, an enormous amplifier. Not notably better than the Technics, but so large that I would have to redecorate my living room to make a permanent home for it. I then traded it in for an Antique Sound Labs MG SI 15 DT and am waiting for the tubes to burn in. I demoed this amp with a pair of BC Acoustique Tibre speakers and was stunned by how great this combination sounds. I'm hoping that once my ASL breaks in it makes my M3s sound as good as the BC's.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.