Well, I spoke with some tube gurus, and they suggested that the 12AX7 tubes on my Antique Sound Labs integrated amp could be replaced with some GE versions from the early 60's, which would improve the highs. I was a bit skeptical, but I ordered a matched pair from Jeff's Sound Values in Ontario, California. I successfully installed them without turning myself into a smoking raisin, and holy smokes, it worked. The highs opened up and I had even more snap, especially noticeable listening to guitars, kettle drums getting brushed, etc. The M3s are sounding great! I'm waiting for the Mapleshade Audio really thin gold helix speaker wire (reasonably priced - $85 for an 8' pair) and will report again.

A note on the price increase - one of the things that makes Axiom so desirable is the combination of terrific sound quality and low price. There are many terrific speakers out there - Axiom's edge has been its pricing. I hope our friends at Axiom don't forget this. They can sell more at a lower price, fewer at a higher price - but at a lower price, their speakers are an exceptional value, less of a value as the price goes up. If they keep their prices low it means more great music for more folks - and that's a good thing.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.