I've lived in California my entire life, and I think I've taken it a bit for granted, but there is just about everything to do out here. Yeah, like Cesar said, housing is exorbitant out here. The weather is almost darn near perfect in SoCal. LOTS of people, though.

So far, the one place I'd really like to move to is Colorado. I spent some time in Ft. Collins a couple summers ago. Peter mentioned it, and I agree with him, plenty to do and a very nice city to live in. Talking to the locals, it snows there, but doesn't stick to the ground.

On a side note. . .next week is my last week in California. My job has moved me to Arizona and I'll be driving out to Glendale next Friday!

Good luck deciding where you want to go Dan.

"Nothin' up my sleeve. . ." --Bullwinkle J. Moose