Hey guys,

The wheelchair relay went great, there was a huge turnout. It turned into a family event for me which was nice. My mom and dad were volunteering and my sister was on our relay team.

In our first heat we finished first and went straight to the finals, but in the finals Melissa and I had to put our electric wheelchairs in first gear, and her first gear was pretty much slower than walking speed, so although we were ahead by quite a bit, everyone caught up to her and lapped her \:\) so we ended up finishing third.

We ended up winning for the team with the most money raised, and I ended up winning for the most money raised by an individual.

In the past I haven't taken part in events like this, but I do plan on participating in more in the future.

Again, thanks for everyone's donation, it was extremely magnanimous of all of you. Over the years I have become very cynical because of things that I have gone through with caregivers/medical professionals etc., being involved in political and social issues, and the general state of the world today as we know it. It was a definite breath of fresh air to receive donations from people that don't even know me personally, but just wanted to help out a good cause. I definitely won't forget this.

Here is the link to my album for the relay, enjoy!! If it doesn't work please let me know.

Thanks again everyone, and thanks Axiom for allowing me to post this on their form.


PS. I still haven't received the final numbers on how much was raised, but when I do I'll definitely for you guys in.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.