Most of mine have been taken so I'll add:

-- Sesame Street wasn't politically correct.
-- You could see Wile Coyote actually hit the ground when he fell.
-- Mr. Dressup wasn't the scary, old, cross dressing man who actually lived down the street and sometimes forgot to dress up at all.
-- George Lucas was making the best movies ever.

>>> Press FFw. a few years. Oops, pressed it to long. Press Rwd. a bit. No, back to FFw. No, Damn missed it again.......

-- Girls bangs pointed up instead of down.
-- I had to admit I really liked Micheal Jackson's Thriller album but refused to buy it because even then he really creeped me out.
-- Levi's were the 'cool' jeans.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.