Originally Posted By: HomeDad
Air raid drills, climbing under our desks and balling up in grammer school while the sirens blasted. Scary stuff now that I look back on it.

Ah yes. In my era, it was known as "duck and cover." "The bomb" was a big threat back then.

 Originally Posted By: hogie
I was dad's TV remote control for all 6 channels we had to choose from.

This one cracked me up. \:D Boy, do I remember that!! I also fetched his cigarettes, every night after dinner, off his dresser in the bedroom where he left them when he emptied his pockets and changed his clothes after work. In fact, I was pretty much an errand boy most of my childhood.

 Originally Posted By: tomtuttle
Daily Vietnam casualty counts on the evening news with Walter Cronkite.

My worst experience in Nam was getting lost (driving) on Than Son Nhut Air Base (near Saigon), and pulling into the driveway of an huge area that was surrounded by a solid, 12 foot high fence (solid, as in "you couldn't see what was behind it") The gate happened to be open. As far as I could see, there were thousands of coffins (ready for use) stacked to the top of the fence and filling every square foot of space. Chilling.

Some things ya wish you didn't remember. \:\(


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton