I have always just blamed the occasional lack of surround sound on the source.. because some movies/games they sound great... especially anything with car wrecks, gun shots, slamming doors, barking dogs, ect. you can def. tell they are working and sound fabulous.

However, sometimes if watching a movie that I can't hear much surround sound, I can get up and stand close to the surrounds and hear small surround sound effects that I can't really hear from the couch (wind through trees, quite bird chirps, ect.) However, sometimes these "ambient surround effects" come through clear... so prolly just a source issue I guess.

I have my surround level matched to 75 db with mains when they read 1.0 db on receiver... I often run them at 2.5 db but the problem still persists.

I can't help but wonder how they would sound if they were at the side aiming in, instead of at the back aiming forward like they should be. Not sure if it's worth all the hassle since I am looking to move (eventually)
