Since I'm a sucker for renting science fiction even when I know it has recieved awful reviews, I'd say my persona choices are a tie between

Freejack. A Sci-fi starring Mik Jagger.
Battlefield Earth starring John Travolta. Anyone else see a connection here?

Worst movie that I couldn't finish watching, not even to see how much worse it could possibly get...
How the Hell do you ruin Halle Berry in a skin tight outfit???

Most boring movie I ever had to sit through because my wife liked it...
Sleeping Pills in a Bottle or as some called it, "Message in a Bottle."

Choice for worst movie character...
Jar Jar Binks. I could not possibly hate anything more without it personally injuring my family. I won't even link him so as not to subject you to him further.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.