No problem Cooper. In the end for me it’s mostly about cost vs returns. I really wanted some Focal or B&W speakers but after hearing the Axioms I bought I didn’t think the small incremental improvement (IMO) of the other 2 brands justified the cost for me at the time. I’m presently wrestling with the same issue in trying to decide on buying an amp.

One thing you might want to try if it’s aesthetically acceptable is to get the M2s and rather than directly wall mounting them make a couple small shelves to sit them on. That would give you a little flexibility in angling them for the best performance. Since you already experimented with another set of speakers I wasn’t sure if you tried this as an option. It gives you the added advantage of having a regular set of speakers to use in another role should you ever rearrange your system and find you want to try the QS(x) speakers.


3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1