I have complained to FedEx repeatedly about this very issue. My FedEx driver (more than one) just goes to the apartment complex office without ever coming to my door. The office manager assumes (reasonably) that the driver has tried to deliver the package at my door, found no one at home, and left a note on my door. The driver, of course, isn't gonna volunteer that they haven't done any such thing and, on the rare occasion that the manager thinks to ask if the driver has left a note on my door, the driver has actually lied and told him that she did. So, no one at the office knows to call and let me know they have the package, and I'm sitting at home waiting for the delivery.

My complaints have fallen largely on deaf ears. I've been told, by every FedEx rep I've spoken to, that the driver is required to attempt delivery at my door BEFORE leaving the package at the office. I've been told a supervisor would return my call and have never been called. I will say that the last few deliveries by FedEx have actually been delivered to my door, but I will not be surprised if that changes as soon as the current driver is replaced with another.

I have no such problem with my UPS driver who never does this; will leave the package, if I'm out, where I ask him to leave it, even in my garage; and is a genuinely nice guy who I consider to be my friend.

I always dread when a package is coming via FedEx.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton