Thanks to everyone here and some sage advice from Brent at Axiom I just purchased the M60s. Can't wait to come back in a few weeks and report on them, and I'll be auditioning a Hsu sub from Compusa unless some other Austinite snags one of the remaining ones before I get to it. By the way, Brent at Axiom made the decision easier in the end partly by explaining that my receiver, a Yamaha RV-1005, used power limiting (via the 8 Ohm to 4 Ohm switch on the back) to power 4 Ohm speakers. This made the M80s less attractive, since I'd need a new receiver to power them to their full potential. But he assured me, as many of you have, that in my room the M60s would be indistinguishable or nearly equal to the M80s. Like any good salesman, Brent also pointed out if I wanted to hear music in the kitchen -- an adjoining, partially open room -- I should pick up an additional pair of speakers ... got me dreaming of M3is for the kitchen wall.

"These go to eleven."