Well, I just spent about 15 minutes downstairs in my room checking out different options. I held up both my QS8's, one on the side wall, and one on the back where it would go. They are less than 3' apart. I just can't see a huge gain with them being in such close proximity.

In hindsight it was kind of dumb to offset the door which messes up the 6 and 7 channel placement, but I thought it would look odd to put it right in the middle of the back wall, plus I would have less usable space because of all the door swing.

So... What I think would be a very good solution is to buy a single QS8, and do a 6.1 setup. The wall is still open to run the wire and it would be cake to buy another and switch to 7.1 if I ever feel the need.

There is only 360 cubic feet behind the couch, I just cannot see three QS8's having any problem at all filling that.

I assume the Denon would have no problems downmixing 7.1 content to get to 6.1. I checked out the manual and it says there is an option for single rear surround, where it mixes both rear channel info into the one.