I’m not sure if Carada contacts everyone but they also contacted me to ask what projector I was using and under what conditions after I placed my order. I think it may be a common practice for them to do that and I found there advice was accurate. I bought a 134” 1.78:1 Brilliant White as I have an light controlled room. I’m using the AE4000 from 19’ back and have a perfectly bright picture using eco-mode. In normal or dynamic mode it still projects a great image with all four room lights on as long as the light isn’t shining directly at the screen.

I agree with Potatohead that you should get the projector as far back as you can. I also suggest you get the largest screen you think you will want keeping in mind what Randy said about fast moving scenes sometimes being to much. I’m sitting 14-15’ away from my 134” screen and fast motion is just at the limit of what I want however anyone prone to motion sickness would likely puke if they watched it for to long. Just last night I put on LOTR FOTR and during the scene in the Mines of Moria where Boromir almost falls off the stairs I got an adrenalin rush from the vertigo it cause. Just remember you can always cast a smaller image than your screen size as long as you’re willing to deal with the black bars which you can make DIY masking for pretty easily.

3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1