My corrected distance will only be about 9 feet from screen. Given the calcs I did below, I think the 110 inch 1.78:1 probably looks like the best option here. That puts me at 1.3 times the width of the screen, away from it.

1) Distance of 1 to 1 (9 feet from screen and 9 foot screen)

9 feet = 108 inch (adj down to 103) = 118 inch diag 1.78:1.
9 feet = 108 inch (adj down to 103) = 112 inch diag 2.35:1.

2) Distance of 1.3 to 1 (9 feet from screen and 8 foot screen)

8 feet = 96 inch (adj down to 92) = 110 inch diag 1.78:1.
8 feet = 96 inch = 104 inch diag 2.35:1.

3) Distance of 1.5 to 1 (9 feet from screen and 6.75 foot screen)

6.75 feet = 81 inch (adj down to 80) = 92 inch diag 1.78:1.
6.75 feet = 81 inch = 88 inch diag 2.35:1.