I'm sure it's a handshake issue. In Pure Direct the monitor and BD do not work independently when the BD is "on"(same as before). In other words, once you turn on the BD player, the monitor will come on along with it a few seconds later...if you then turn off the monitor, the BD player will turn off. If the BD is left off, the monitor can be turned on and off without triggering the BD...It's only when the BD is turned on is there an issue. On a separate note...in "pure direct" I can turn the monitor off and still receive the TV signals.

I'll have a look at it during the daytime this week...I remember having problems with the various remotes(4) when I set up everything a while back and I've never liked the fact of having the monitor on just to listen to some CDs.

::cringing at the thought of delving into the Denon Manual again::

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.