Like any other electronic component today, one can be assured that the little components(transistors, capacitors etc) are made in the Far East including BASH amps which are manufactured by Indigo manufacturing in Toronto. According to NAFTA that qualifies as a domestic manufactured item. One has to differentiate between an item that is fully manufactured in China(Outlaw subs) and just sitting in a warehouse in the US for shipment elsewhere as opposed to a product that uses offshore parts but it is still assembled domestically. That would differentiate the HSU USL 15 as opposed to their other models that are TOTALLY manufactured overseas. In this case shipment of the USL 15 would qualify it as a domestic manufactured product and NOT subject to duties. When that sub was introduced, I was curious and e-mailed HSU about it and they said it would qualify as a domestic mfg. product. The same applies to Elemental Designs, Epik and Rhythmik subs. Axiom, I believe, is in a similar category. One just has to be sure it is on the paperwork and/or shipping carton so customs can see it. I have never had an issue with customs IF the shipping set-up was done correctly.

You kind of have to do your homework. Outlaw has a line of power amplifiers in which SOME are made in the US for them by ATI out of California(which would qualify as domestic mfg.)and they have a couple other models that are made exclusively in the Far East(which would not qualify).

It is interesting to note, I have an 8 year old Toshiba RPCRT that when the light box was opened up, I noticed ALL the little parts and circuit boards were manufactured in China and that was 2001. The monitor, though, was assembled in New Jersey so that would qualify as a US domestic manufactured product.