Interesting to here your thoughts about the VP100 and M80s. I’ve always been curious about that but haven’t needed a VP100 so couldn’t justify getting one just to test out. I also usually prefer horizontal centers with larger enclosures and those designs.

At first I didn’t notice any significant differences in between the M80s and VP150 until for some reason I ended up playing a multi-channel SACD with the center disabled in the receivers menu and was totally floored at what I was now hearing. One I first noticed the difference I was screwed because then I started noticing in in everything even most movies.

On multi-channel sources I didn’t always notice it as much then I figured out that on those sources much more of the center channel information was mixed into the L/R mains. On the demo disks that came with my Oppo I couldn’t believe that the VP150 sounded just like my M80s until I went up to them and listened to hear that almost all the center channel was coming form the L/R M80s and only a tiny amount, almost nothing, was coming from the center. I’ve read and now experienced that some audio engineers don’t like the compromised designs of most HT center speakers carrying their well mastered audio tracks and feed most of the center channel to the mains assuming that they will be more capable speakers.

3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1