Thanks. I tried to figure out what the scalers are, but couldn't find the information.

Scalers are used to adjust the resolution of the program material to the resolution of the display.

So, a standard dvd is recorded to display 480 horizontal lines of resolution. Most of the new displays will output 1080 horizontal lines.

What a scaler does is convert the 480 lines in the program material into 1080 lines for the display.

If you are watching a bluray on the same display, no scaler is involved because the bluray is recorded at 1080 lines of resolution.

In practical terms, I don't think there is a lot of difference between scalers any more. The ps3 is supposed to have a good scaler and I don't see any real difference between it and the on board video on my computer.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!