Originally Posted By: Micah
Dave, as for putting the sub in a different room, I haven't tried this is a while, but a long, long time ago in my old house I did put one of my subs in the storage area behind where my TV was... it was SOOOOOO FREAKING LOUD back there I couldn't take it. It was literally shaking things off of the walls, and drowning out all the other speakers. But all I got was the really low stuff, I didn't get those slamming midbass notes from behind the wall.

I then pulled it out of there and placed it behind the couch, and that's where it stayed. I suppose I should have thought about that before I cut that hole in my wall (actually I didn't cut a hole im my wall, I made the wall with the hole built into it. But I guess there isn't a whole lot of difference now is there), because behind the couch is where my new subwoofer found itself as well.

Good to know.

I started to pull out my couch going to attempt what you've done. But I quickly thought about the layout of the room. I very much doubt that would pass the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor), regardless of how good it sounds. Ha. So I figured, I would just live without knowing.

Last edited by davemire; 04/14/10 01:22 PM.
