In an effort to boost my feeble post count over the next few days (weeks, months) I'll be posting photos and the reasons beind my picks.

1949 Ford Prefect

I picked this photo off the net as it shows just how tiny the car was.

It was the first car I ever owned, bought it out of money from a paper route. Didn't have a license to drive so I spent most of my time taking it apart to see how it worked.

A roaring 10hp out of 1.17L and a suspension out of the horse and buggy era.

I loved it, only car I ever sold for a profit, it ended up it's days on the dragstrip with a Chevy V8.

About two years ago I tracked down a diecast of this car in the very colour I had. Cost me more than the orignal car.

Getting to 2,000 posts; one year at a time vp160/qs8/qs4/SVS 2000/m60/Monolith 3x200 amp