Considering my first thread, this thread should have been about death. Sex and death--always popular icebreakers. I do run in circles where excessive educations, domestic discord, substance abuse, self abuse and psychopharmicologists are the norm.

Thought this might shake out some fun ideas. Whatchyagot?

Axiom: Turning sweet spots into wet spots, two ears at a time.

Give us your ears; we'll change your view.

Listen carefully. You won't hear us.

We'll keep your ears and her eyes very happy.

Turning your head? Easy! It's your dog's we're after.

Don't show them anything! Your ears will think you spent a lot more.

And if we have to break it down by marketing demographics, that's fine. Just don't mention your target audience. We'd rather guess. (i.e. for many of you: a print ad above a urinal in a stripbar) Hey, a demo is a demo.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.