Hey guys,

Do any of you guys know of any reputable online job opportunities where you work out of your own house? Many of you know my situation and that I'm bedridden at least 50% of the time, so a job outside of my house isn't feasible.

Honestly, I don't need the money (I'm not rich by any means. I just live by a philosophy that if I'm getting by comfortably, I'm lucky), and quite enjoy my free time to do whatever, whenever I want. That said, it would give me something to do, and possibly help my mental state and physical health by getting my mind off things.

One of my caregivers mentioned that a friend of hers had an online job in which she edited papers of some sort, correcting grammar etc. Not that I'd be good at it, but just one suggestion thrown around.

If you guys could help me out it will be greatly appreciated. Heck, maybe someone at Axiom will read this and have something in mind \:\) .


The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.