
I've been in constant contact with Dr. Toole, and the senior folks at Harman (Sean Olive, Tod Welti). I don't want to speak on anyones behalf but Floyd was pretty clear to me that he preferred 4 corner placement with SFM (sound field management) vs 4 midwall placement with SFM or proper EQing. 4 midwall is very inefficient and a waste of sub power in most cases. I've never heard a 4 midwall placement that I thought exceeded a 4 corner placement or 2 midwall placement. I have Harman running real world tests and Matlab sims of my recommendations in my article and will be posting a followup. I also have some updates coming to this article based on my convos with Harman. They also invited me out to their facility to do further testing.

I've been slammed the last few days doing our annual speaker shootout for $1k towers which happened to include Axiom M60v3s. Very interesting results to post.

Rest assured there will be many followup articles to this sub article referenced here. Please also realize these are general recommendations to start with. Experimentation is key of course and not every configuration will be suited for any particular room. The main purpose of my article was to provide a methodical way to setup and calibrate multi subs to achieve the best results and minimize the guest work.

Best Regards; Gene DellaSala (GDS)