
I updated the article to remove the "uneven" comment of 4 midwall sub placement and also added a comment about the 4 corner placement as follows:

Used in conjunction with global equalization, this option provides nearly as good frequency response and seat to seat variation as the midwall placement with the huge advantage in efficiency.

There is much more coming trust me. This article is already over 8600 words so I didn't want to turn it into a novel. Its also been read by many of the key players in the industry and most of them have an interest in furthering this topic for industry education since its very confusing to people how to properly setup multi subs.

Regarding the Shootout
The Axioms did nicely in the shootout and more importantly we ate a lot of great food, consumed mass quantities of beer, and had fun doing it. But moving around the speakers on carpeted floors was quite a pain \:\(

Best Regards; Gene DellaSala (GDS)