Oh man! Its exciting when you make a decision like this to seriously upgrade some of your equipment. The last thing you hope for is people raining on your parade.

Unfortunately, I have to agree with the others that have posted here.

The MFW 15, when it works, is a beast. The base design is good. It does, however fail in manufacturing/execution. There have been issues with:

- the amp. Sub-par component parts. A new amp was sourced, but that one too has higher than normal failure rates.

- the veneer. There have been serious veneer cracking/peeling issues with various AV123 products including the MFW 15.

- screws pulling out of MDF. I do not know the background on this one, but quite a few people have experienced issues with loose, missing and pulled screws. This could be a material or manufacturing issue.

- non delivery of product. This has taken place mostly with pre-orders on 'new' product. Some of these products never came to be, some a trickling out in VERY low volumes. There are people who paid 5 years ago for non product and have received neither product nor a refund.

The owner of the company has been charged with fraud as others have pointed out. There have been rumblings of other financial improprieties as well.

There are SO many good audio companies out there that there are a number of equaly cost effective quality alternatives.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!