Originally Posted By: sirquack
The difference between 105watts and 200 watts is less than 3dB at reference. Will it bring them to life, they aren't already? Help with dynamics, not really. Yeah, you might gain a little headroom.

Your certainly have taken a 360 on your stance on amplification since the pre-purchase/owning period of the odyssey monoblocks and now after you have sold them. Cognitive dissonance?

 Originally Posted By: sirquack

I can tell you that I easily hear a difference when comparing my Denon 2805 to the amps I've tested to this point. Not all internal guts are created equally, no matter what some paper article says.

I should have my Odyssey Mono's early next week per Klaus.

I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne