I would not say anything people get very mad when they realize they bought crap. Even if they return it, they still feel like crap. And they hate the person who told them they bought crap. Some people very few welcome input, these few know there is no such thing as the best. Everything is a compromise even if your super rich, they just want the best they can have. I have met such people here in both categories.

So unless you and this guy are like level 7 friends, on a scale from 10. Leave him be keep in mind, level 10 friendship means helping him hide a dead body. Level 5 means calling him for holidays if you remember. Level 6 means helping him move, level 7 means calling him at 3 am. When your bored and talking about stupid shit

So pick your level and know his type good luck

M80s QS8s VP150 SVS 25-31 Rotel RSX-1560