I wouldn't be as worried about 22 vs. 40 for movies, I'd be more worried about music. If you like the music sound of the speakers the movie part tends to work out well too. The M22 are detailed and the M40 are more laid back. It depends on what you like. If you want all the detail in some of those jazz recordings you might prefer the M22.

As far as stands, I suggest the 24" ones for the M22 (I'm using the SS24).

You will want a sub either way, I'd suggest the STF-2 from HSU, but that might be out of your price range. Someone else might be able to suggest a decent less expensive sub, if you are set on being one of the few people that actually stays within their HT budget

Side note...

WOW, I finally made it to Addict!

Last edited by Zarak; 01/21/04 05:19 AM.