Originally Posted By: troyd

However, Grunt they say an un-equilateral room is best suited for HT and sound waves. So, your second room seems better un equal odd sizes as oppose to a 10x10x10.
Like if the sound wave hita the side way at 45 it will bounce off at 45 to the next to the next to the next always in the same spot. No real disspertion

Note that I said “IMO a close to square room (not really square)” and not a cube or “10x10x10.” In the case I cited the room was 16x12x8 which is considered poor for reasons of the room having dimensions divisible by the same number but that again is not my point.

Having a room that allows for closer to circular placement of speakers around the listening area makes for a more seamless 360 degree soundstage with fewer speakers than a longer narrower room usually requiring a longer elliptical speaker layout. Plus having a symmetrical layout also lend itself to more even soundstages all around.

If you haven’t noticed I don’t care much for what “they say” (the experts) once I have my own experience in matters. wink

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