Custom finishes are cool, if only for the "wow" factor of showing them off to your friends.

Know that you can get a bit f a custom look by simply swapping out the grill covers. For example, I have had good experience with a friend who bought her speakers in the standard cherry finish. We swapped out her black grill covers for white ones and the look was really sharp and modern. Her speakers certainly look like nothing you'd get from Best Buy.

The vinyl wraps are nothing special, but they are a reasonable facsimile of the real thing, if viewed from a distance. I would let your budget dictate this decision, but I would put it way down on my list, after speaker and amp selection. If you've got money left over after these things are taken care of, then maybe you do a custom wood finish on only the front 3 speakers, and do the rear speakers in a lighter wood (or even paint them, as I suggested before) in a standard vinyl.