Ha, I'd had that countertransference response window open for a while and just now saw Adrian's theory. Allow me to opine on this theory, or, should I more properly say, hypothesis:

The evidence for:

1. All three show an enthusiasm for high-quality audio
2. All three have an affinity for humor, though in different styles
3. All three have a solid work ethic, with JohnK having made it through law school, medic8r having completed medical school, and bbigwyres having a thriving trucking/snow plow business
4. Only one of the three (the so-called "medic8r") has been seen in public, whether it be local meetups or the big homecoming bash recently

The evidence against:

1. JohnK has been posting since 2002, medic8r since 2006, and bbigwyres since 2007. That's a long time to post as a lawyer before starting to post as a psychiatrist, and then later as a ... whatever bbigwyres is.
2. Only a few individuals have been able to successfully make it through both medical and law school, and, to my knowledge, none of them also maintain a commercial driver's license and/or snow plow business.

Hmmm ... if we are all the same person, then the recent back and forth between bbigwyres and "JonK" could be a troubling sign, indeed!

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.