Originally Posted By: Dduval
Originally Posted By: grunt

The reason for QS height speakers is everything coming out of the height channel is ambient (e.g. rain, wind, echoes) exactly what the QS is designed for. I’ve tried both M22 and QS8s as height speakers and the QS8s were noticeably better and allowed for more flexible placement on the side wall rather than the front where the direct radiators would have to have been.

Ahh...my question is answered. Once again Grunt, thanks for your experience and explanation. smile


I would think if you were mounting your heights on the SIDE walls, I'd go with QS8 or something similar.

Still not sold on these if you are putting them on the screen wall for heights.....anyone else have QS8 or dipole/bipole on the screen wall for heights?

I'd like to do wides as well, but with a 118" screen on a 13.5ft wide wall, no room!

Rear surrounds I left out as well, but maybe I will have to revisit that...wouldn't be too hard for me to snake some wires into a soffit.