I did that to my mom once...I love playing jokes on her.

I was painting and doing other work in her bathroom, and I had a step stool in there 'cuz I'm short. I came out from there one day after just going in to get started, and said "Mom, I need to talk to you. I know it's an embarrassing subject, but we're all adults. I just noticed that there was a little stool on the floor of your bathroom. Is everything OK?"

Once she started to get over the whole "that can't be true" thing, she followed me into the bathroom where I pointed it out.

She still laughs about it now.

Now that I read that back, it sounds pretty bad, but that's the type of relationship I've always had with her.

Besides, those types of jokes are fun. I needed to put air in one of my snowblower's tires before the last storm, so I told Joyce I was going to charge it down in the basement, then carry it out to the garage to fill the tire.

After, she asked me how it worked out. I told her "Well, carrying it back in after wasn't too bad, but what a bitch carrying that thing out to the garage! When that tank is full, it's heavier than a sonofabitch. Carrying it back in when the tank was empty was SO much easier!".

She didn't fall for it, though I enjoyed trying.

Am I off-topic yet?

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::