Originally Posted By: pmbuko
You're forgetting, Adrian. The US government is evil, conspiratorial, hates anybody who is poor or non-white (true for the most part, but where have I said that?), is controlling the weather and tectonic plates -- remember Haiti? (slander, Peter; and not fair)--

But yes, the rest has been proven, and it's called history. And most of the world thinks this way, which is why you don't travel abroad with an American flag on your nap sack etc.

Originally Posted By: pmbuko
and will stop at nothing until we control the world with the One True Corporate Government.

And this isn't already in the works? Have you ever heard of The Project For The New American Century?

Last edited by wheelz999; 02/03/11 03:31 PM.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.