I feel the same way, except for one thing. Buying on line is not instant gratification. Getting in the car, driving for 7 minutes, then having that object in your grubby mitts---that's instant gratification.

And like everyone else I see coming out of the CD store, there's much plastic ripping and teeth gnashing inside the car so I can hear it, uncompressed, now---right now. Or just wait 7 more minutes to return to Axiomville.

And no cover art?! Unthinkable! I really feel like downloading that crappy sounding stuff, then having to download and print an info sheet, if it were even available.

Now that jewel cases are disappearing (yay), there's been some great stuff to read and great designers to look at with CD packaging made entirley of paper products. I'm glad I'm going to vanish before books do. It's just a friendlier (appearing) version of Farenheit 411.

The world is made of real objects, real sensations and real experiences. They're not happening for you now at what you are currently staring at. They're going on without you right behind your head.

I'm grateful that technology did not interfere with nor steal my youth. So much social networking leads to sociopathy. I'm glad I got to become sociopathic all on my own.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.