Yeah. It's the worst. Annoying, nasal, auto-tuned, mega stupid "singing" with the most moronic lyrics ever. Perfect for the modern, shallow music consumer.

I'm predicting it will be a huge hit!

I truly feel sorry for the majority of young people today. The exceptions are very bright, but most American teenagers are even stupider than the idiot parents that spawned them.

Now it's "cool" to be a an untalented loser (like Snooki, Kardashian, Kanye, etc.). The main objective is to become famous.

This is so very awful, it makes Justin Bieber seem like John Lennon in comparison!

Hell, it makes Debbie Gibson (who actually could play instruments, sing and write music) seem like Zappa.

Mainstream popular art and culture in the 21st century sucks Bieber balls. eek

As a t-shirt I saw the other day read, "I'm not old, your music just sucks!"

"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it."
---Frank Zappa