I'm new to th board. I just purchased a pair of M80Ti's.
I don't know about purchasing all this meter equipent and such. You ears should be able to do the job. I do have to admit I have had my surround system for a year and I am just getting it dialed in. As soon as you do that you will want to upgrade heh. Here is some of what I learned. Don't turn the sub up too loud. Turn the sub all the way down. Set your crossover at 80 hz. If you set the cross over on your reciever or preamp turn the crossover on your sub all the way up (150hz on my sub). Now turn the bass up on your speakers untill you can hear them start to push the bass some. If a drummer does a drum roll you want to hear it good from your speakers. Then start turning up the sub until it fills up the the bottom end. this worked great for me. I think the biggest mistake people make with subs is turn them up way to loud. It mucks up the works. Now set up your reciever for all channel stereo and put in a cd or record. Turn the center channel all the way down. Turn the rear speakers all the way down. Adjust the balance on the front speakers. Now remember those settings and turn the front speakers all the way down. Turn the rear speakers up and adjust the balance. Turn the front speakers back up and adjust the ballance front and rear. Now readjust you bass and sub. Your system should be starting to sound pretty sweet now. Now put in a movie. Turn the center channel as loud as it takes to hear conversations clearly or turn the rest of the speakers down some. This is not an exact science. Room sizes are all different. Some speakers might be in a corner and others not. Your speakers are probobly different sized. No one will write you a ticket if all you settings are kinda whacky. Do what sounds good. By the way I highly recomend leaving the center channel off when listening o music. It messes up seperation. Godd luck.