You asked "what is the weirdest", not "have you ever eaten anything that the majority of Americans would consider weird?" So the thread could go on for a long time with answers like, "I once had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

But yeah, I've not really stepped outside of what's considered "normal" food. But I enjoy some odd combinations.

A BLT made with peanut butter instead of mayo.

There's an Italian (at least I was told) treat called an Easter salad, it is a stack of (from the bottom up):

Provolone cheese
Genoa Salami
A circular slice of orange
A slice of hard boiled egg
A black olive
Drizzle with olive oil

You eat it by sliding the stack from the orange up, to one side, and folding it in half so each bite gets a bit of each component.

Pioneer PDP-5020FD, Marantz SR6011
Axiom M5HP, VP160HP, QS8
Sony PS4, surround backs