Originally Posted By: J. Bellemare

2: shark meat;
the shark is sawed in pieces and buried in the ground.
it can be eaten after 1 to 3 months after being cut in 1 inch cubes.

when eaten after a 1 month's cure, it's very crunchy and has a little ammonia taste, but there is also a fine "shark" taste to it.
After a 3 months' cure, the meat is very tender, but the ammonia smell is strong enough that one has better pinch his nose before putting it in his mouth; even then there is still a fine shark taste to it.
For more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hákarl

I'm thinking Anthony Bourdain ate this on one of his shows from Iceland(?) ... if I remember correctly he wasn't too terribly thrilled with it.

Not at all.

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