The installer for my ADT system (I got a discount for them through my insurance company) said that he gave ADT signs (no systems) to all his neighbors. When a new guy moved in he pulled out the signs and within a month got burglarized. Then came to the installer and asked if he could have a couple more signs and hasn’t had any problems since.

The only reason I have my system monitored is because I can be away from home for up to a couple months at a time with no one living here. It gives me peace of mind that if something does happen my father and I will get notified and he can at least secure the situation. If it wasn’t for the travel I wouldn’t even have monitoring.

3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1