My creepy story is about one time, in the early 1980's, when I moved to a different town for a job I took, I ended up in the upstairs appartment of a house. The downstairs was another appartment. I never met the people in the downstairs appartment, that I can remember. I was there for probably about 6 months when this incident happened.

The people downstairs occasionally threw a Friday or Saturday night party. I was a loner in town, outside of my work and my second home at one of the local taverns, so I was trying to get some sleep that night.

There's a door that's kept locked near my bed that is the top of a staircase that leads down into the bottom appartment. That night before I fell asleep, two people had gone to the top of those stairs to have a private meeting. They didn't know that I could hear them through the door.

They were discussing how they were going to kill someone. You better belive that I tried my hardest not to make a sound, like caugh or something. I don't remember any of the details I heard, my mind stayed more on the possible prediciment I was in if they knew I was listening to them.

It wasn't long after that, that I moved to a different appartment, since I didn't have to sign a lease agreement were I was at. But that really creeped me out at the time.