Originally Posted By: Powertothepeople
He came over to pick up his stuff yesterday. I didn't mention anything to him, but I know that he "knows" he did something wrong because he was extremely awkward around me, and was in and out.

I'm going to give him a week or two to see if he'll call and apologize (which is easier than face-to-face). If not, I'll contact him.

I wouldn't deceive anyone-let alone a friend-,yet this is commonplace with me.

I just let a caregiver take three months off over the summer to go to Australia, and thus hired someone as a temp for the aforementioned duration. When she got back, I talked to her about starting again, but she wasn't going to until school started (another three weeks). So I acquiesced, then contacted her when school started, and, she said she couldn't work because her curriculum is too demanding. She worked two hours a week, and one weekend a month....BS!


Sorry for the rant, but it helped.

You know, Cam, for less than one thousand dollars, you could send her on a "vacation" to Mexico AND have her killed. I know some peeps in El Paso that give discounts. Or, you could just send her to Aruba and hope the for usual.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.