Murph, i agree.. If i was going to build, i would run the wires as well as hard wire network connections.. While wifi is convenient.. There is no substitute for a hardwired connection...

When i buy a house, i will most likely look for one build either in the 60's or prior to the 60's. From watching Holmes on homes, i am not wanting a new construction. If i do go new construction, i will buy from the ground up and inspect the site on a daily basis... I dont know why people who are having a house built dont inspect their house on a daily/weekly basis...That is one HECK of a lot of money to not be checking on...If someone had 200,000$ in a briefcase they sure as Sh$(!would be checking on it daily!!!... Anyhow, that's enough of that rant..

I think as long as there is a space that i can do something with, i will be fine. If it means removing a wall i'm ok with that, if it means removing a load bearing wall and installing a header well, I'm ok with that to...